Based on a more realistic population growth, the first development scenario has more punctual (vs. mass interventions), marked in red color. The approach is more ecological, because the total amount of green spaces is about six times greater than the second scenario. Also, this solution is more autonomous in respect to the two major centers - Galati and Braila - in the terms of creating a lighter metropolitan system (i.e. the number of connections between the two cities and the metro area is smaller, due to the lower population growth considered).

The second scenario is based on the possibility of major development opportunities, generated especially by a high population growth. Although sociological predictions suggest that population will decrease in Romania, at least in the next 20 years, we should consider the possibility of population in-migration from the rural surroundings. Key elements of this scenario are new zoning extensions - housing, industry and logistics -, an airport, new accumulation lakes, and light train metropolitan connections between Galati, Braila and other minor built elements.