Daemon Flowers - a series of watercolor and ink illustrations mixing flowers with
creatures that can easily turn from good to evil, depending on whom they meet.
The images are accompanied by a short text, be it descriptive or purely inspirational.
It was a good creative exercise. :)
The collection can be found here: Daemon Flowers

Daemon Vanda
The only reason why others would try to make you feel bad is because they themselves feel bad.
Do not allow them to drag you in their own misery.
You are awesome.

Daemon Bouquet
A welcoming nature brings a lot of fun, love but also strangers and challenging situations.
Don't be afraid.
An awkward moment is way better than a dull journey.

Dreamy Hydrangea
Sometimes, the most colorful dream is not the best one.
Choose carefully. Blood, sweat and tears will bring more satisfaction
at the end of the day.