It can be quite a challenge to keep a constant state of wonder in these dazzling, smothering times
where many entities try to trap your attention for you to consume more than you need. By being a mindful curator of your everyday life, you can light back that inner child and his/her innate curiosity and vitality.

May we all be more grateful and careful with our fragile environment.

Nature constantly gave us cues that we should change our behavior and gave us plentiful time. Now it feels like a forced restart, to reconsider most of our endeavors as a society and permanently alter current lifestyles. While some of us are out there doing their best to heal, stop this mess and keep things running, the others have only the task to act as a shield for the efforts made. And it’s not that hard. This is the perfect time to reflect, to learn something new, finish that book you started last year and call those you didn’t have time to meet anyway. But most importantly, keep creating. Time will speed up again, anytime now, but on a different tune.

Imagination takes you places.

The passage was steep, but unexplored paths tend to unveil unexpected opportunities.

You can find a selection of them as metal prints on Displate.
Thank you!